Discover Your Team’s Hidden Strengths with 16-Type Assessments

Unleash Your Team's Full Potential with Customized Personality Assessments

Harness the power of 16-Type assessments to uncover your team’s unique strengths and areas for growth. Our assessments go beyond surface-level personality traits to help you identify cognitive functions and understand how your team members think and communicate. With customized reports and expert analysis, our assessments provide a deep understanding of your team dynamics and can be the foundation for improved communication, conflict resolution, and productivity.

How it works?

Our Type Assessment service is designed to help you and your team gain a deep understanding of your personality types and how they affect your behavior in the workplace. Here’s how it works:

  1. Consultation: We’ll start with a consultation to discuss your specific needs and goals. We’ll work with you to customize the assessment process to meet your unique requirements.

  2. Assessment: Our certified coaches will conduct a comprehensive and accurate personality type diagnosis based on the psychological framework of “Type Theory”. We’ll use a combination of tests, interviews, and observation to ensure the most accurate results.

  3. Analysis: Once the assessment is complete, we’ll provide you with a detailed analysis of your personality type and its implications. We’ll also help you understand the gaps between your perceived self and your persona, and guide you in discovering and sharing new qualities of yourself and team members.

  4. Debrief: Finally, we’ll schedule a debriefing session to review the assessment results and discuss the implications for your team and organization. We’ll help you understand how to use this knowledge to improve communication, teamwork, and leadership.



Boost team collaboration

Understanding each team member's personality type helps to identify and leverage their strengths, resulting in a more productive and harmonious team environment.

Enhance communication

Learning about each other's personality types can help team members communicate more effectively by adapting their communication style to better match the needs of their colleagues.

Improve leadership

By identifying their own personality type, executives and managers can become more self-aware and better understand their leadership style, resulting in improved management and decision-making.

Increase job satisfaction

Discovering their personality type can help employees better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, leading to more job satisfaction and fulfillment.

Develop a growth mindset

By identifying their personality type, team members can learn to embrace new perspectives and qualities, leading to personal and professional growth.


What do our clients say?

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